تصميم واخراج كتب المناهج التعليمية إخراجاً مميزا يناسب العصر الحديث . بحيث يكون مرنا يلبي احتياجات التلاميذ وشاملا بحيث يقدم كافة الخبرات الإدراكية والحركية والعاطفية والاجتماعية ، للفئات العمرية المختلفة
At the Creative Communication Foundation, we employ the capabilities of the computer and its programs, to prepare the design work, drawing and images for producing the textbook, whether the inner pages, and the elements it contains as well as the outer cover, quickly, accurately and with high quality.
Establish a project schedule. - ¬ Design work output from covers, design models, illustrations and photos. Prepare print specifications for paper, binding and additional artwork. Make preliminary rehearsals, to audit and make any additional adjustments Checking the technical works during the printing stage to ensure that the agreed specifications are in conformity. - Developing a visualization of the interactive method for producing electronic books. The introduction of augmented reality and virtual reality technology Preparing a PDF copy in order to download the book electronically ... when needed.